Montanans Assembling Together for Christian Home Education
Greetings from the Bitterroot Valley of Western Montana
Greetings from the Bitterroot Valley of Western Montana
What's new on the MATCHE website?
What's new on the MATCHE website?
The MATCHE group has chosen to "turn off" the website in the near future. Conferences and other activities previously coordinated by MATCHE have been discontinued. The Curriculum Library continues to be available by contacting Janet Steele at steele4home@yahoo.com. Other activities in the Bitterroot homeschool community are thriving and continue! If you would like more information about the Bitterroot E-tree, please contact Terri Jarvis at bitterroothomeschool@searchamerica.net to be included in the listing of shared activities and events.
The MATCHE group has chosen to "turn off" the website in the near future. Conferences and other activities previously coordinated by MATCHE have been discontinued. The Curriculum Library continues to be available by contacting Janet Steele at steele4home@yahoo.com. Other activities in the Bitterroot homeschool community are thriving and continue! If you would like more information about the Bitterroot E-tree, please contact Terri Jarvis at bitterroothomeschool@searchamerica.net to be included in the listing of shared activities and events.